Innovation potential assessments

Focus on innovation? Who’s right for this in the team? And in what role?

Add Value helps organisations build strong and agile innovative dream teams. Our consultants use the evidence-based platform to identify and develop innovation potential within your team(s) in an objective way. is a (reliable and valid) science-based online tool developed in partnership with Ghent University (Prof. Dr F. Anseel) and Creax (innovation experts) to identify and profile innovation specialists in your organisation in an objective way.

  • A situational assessment test (simulation test) presenting 15 cases linked to innovation (not a self-assessment), 100% online.
  • Measures 20 innovation skills and distinguishes the generalists from the innovation specialists in your team.
  • Profiles the innovation specialists into three types (ideator, champion, implementer), so that you can put together the most complementary innovation team.
  • Measures innovation skills and expertise, the test scores can improve over time by focussing on training and learning experiences.
  • Duration between 1 hour and 1.5 hours, available in different languages.


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